How To Start A Business — This Weekend!

By Mike Enright, Operations Manager, BizFilings

The business plan article linked above goes into more detail, and the Small Business Association has a template here. Both are worth reading in further detail, because starting a business without. Starting a business is much harder than getting a job, so it's worth the extra effort to look for employment in a better way if that's your true preference. Also, think about whether you have what it takes to start a business in these terms: No one will tell you what to do (except your customers). To start a business, you must invest in the business. The journey of finding start-up funds will be different for each individual. Some start-ups such as consulting require a few thousand to get a website and business cards whereas a retail store could need $100,000 or more. Each state has additional requirements for starting and operating a business. For information regarding state-level requirements for starting a business, please refer to your state's website. Refer also to the Small Business Administration's 10 Steps to start your business. Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) if applicable.

How to start a business &mdash this weekend 2020Weekend!

Starting a business is exciting—but also demanding. This guide addresses some of the most common startup steps to ensure your company is ready for success.

Prepare a business plan and materials

1. An important first step is preparing a business plan to define your business, products and services, and outline your goals, operating procedures and competition. If your company needs funding from a traditional loan or venture capitalists, a business plan will be required. Make sure your plan includes a marketing approach, so people are aware of what you're selling and how to find you.

2.Create a business logo, cards and stationery. These items establish your company’s identity and help potential customers find and remember you.

Meet legal requirements

3. Of course, incorporating your business or forming an LLC with the state is important because it protects your personal assets from business debts and liabilities. Other benefits of forming a corporation or LLC include tax advantages and greater credibility with customers, vendors and business partners.

How To Start A Business With No Money

4.Select an accountant and attorney. Many small business owners seek advice from accountants and attorneys. As you search for an accountant and attorney, get referrals from friends or family, and look for professionals who have worked with other small business owners or companies in your specific industry.

5.Get necessary tax identification numbers, licenses and permits. A federal tax identification number, or employer identification number (EIN), acts like a social security number and is required for corporations and LLCs that will have employees. Contact your state's taxation department to learn if a state tax identification number is required in your state. Also keep in mind that most businesses need licenses and/or permits to operate—in your city, municipality, county and/or state.

6.Insure your business and investigate other requirements. Some industries have specific insurance requirements. Discuss your needs with your insurance agent to get the right type and amount of insurance. Remember to look into any other government tax and insurance requirements that might apply to your business, particularly if you have employees. For example:

  • Unemployment insurance
  • Workers' compensation
  • OSHA requirements
  • Federal tax
  • State and local tax
  • Self-employment tax
  • Payroll tax requirements (such as FICA, federal unemployment tax, and state unemployment tax)
  • Sales and use tax

Prepare yourself financially

7.Open a business bank account. It is crucial to separate business finances from personal ones. Most banks require company details, such as formation date, business type, and owner names and addresses. If your business is not incorporated, most banks will require a DBA (doing business as or fictitious business name). Contact your bank about requirements prior to opening an account.

8.Arrange your business accounting and apply for loans. You may want to use an accountant, or handle finances yourself with a small business accounting solution. Either way, properly account for all business disbursements, payments received, invoices, accounts receivable/accounts payable, etc. And if you don’t have enough capital to start a business, this is also the time to seek funding from banks or through Small Business Administration (SBA) loan programs.

9.Establish a business line of credit. This will help reduce the number of times your company prepays for purchased products and services. It also helps establish a strong credit history, which is helpful for vendor and supplier relationships. Getting a Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) DUNS (or D-U-N-S) number for your business is advisable, as it is often used to check business creditworthiness.

How To Start A Small Business

10.Ready your workspace. For home-based businesses, ensure you are meeting city zoning requirements for your area. For non home-based businesses, you'll likely need to lease office space. Don't forget to purchase or lease furniture and office equipment to get your business up and running.