Mobile Marketing Tips

There are more than 4 billion active internet users throughout the world. Because of this, one thing is certain: you’re up against a lot of competition.


Mobile optimization means making your site easy to view and navigate on the smaller screens that come with mobile devices. Part of mobile optimization is implementing a checkout process that encourages shoppers to finish a transaction and not, in a worst-case scenario, abandon the transaction completely. Tips for taking photos that sell Remove backgrounds from your item photos instantly Fashion and mobile photography tips Photo requirements eBay’s response to COVID-19 Tips for taking photos that sell. May 31, 2017 Businesses need to start adapting their marketing efforts to keep up with the advances in technology. Mobile device adoption rates are increasing at an incredible rate, surpassing 80% in 2016.

To stand out from the crowd, you want to do whatever you can to market your business effectively. One great way to do this in today’s technological world is to perfect your mobile marketing strategy.

The goal of a mobile app marketing strategy should be to acquire users that will not only drive repeat engagement but will also become loyal advocates for the product.This step-by-step guide to marketing your mobile app explores the three stages of a mobile app marketing strategy and the metrics needed measure success.

Keep reading for 6 tips for mobile marketing that you need.


Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

First and foremost, your website needs to be mobile-friendly. If someone is on their smartphone and comes to your website only to find that it’s impossible to navigate, they’re going to leave.

And this means you just lost out on a potential customer.

To avoid this, make sure your site works great on every size device, including desktop, tablet, and all the different smartphone variations.

Mobile app marketing tips and tricks

This is even more important because Google has started to penalize sites that aren’t mobile-friendly. So this means that your page will perform poorly in organic search results.

Not a developer? No worries. You can still create a great mobile-friendly site if you use a responsive builder.

Basically, a responsive website builder will automatically resize your website’s content and images to any size device. And you don’t have to do it manually.

Focus on Local Marketing

Does your business have a specific service area or a brick-and-mortar location? Then this one for you.

When people are searching for businesses on their phones, they’re often out and about, looking for an instant result. For example, if someone searches for Mexican restaurants near me, they’re wanting results that are closeby.

To capture this traffic and to turn them into sales, you need to make sure your local marketing is up to par. Start by optimizing your Google My Business listing.

This is how you can inform Google of the most accurate information about your company. Here you can enter your phone number, correct website, and address.

Also, make sure you list your company in all of the local directories around you. These can include Bing, Yelp, and industry-specific directories.

Speed Things up

It’s simple. A slow website will destroy your mobile marketing efforts.

Here’s why. Imagine someone comes to your website and is excited to learn more, only to sit waiting for 20 seconds while your home page loads. This is a terrible user experience and they’ll likely leave right away.

Slow page speed is also a negative in Google’s eyes. They know that internet users expect sites to load quickly, so when this doesn’t happen, your site will be penalized.

The good news is that there are lots of free online tools that can help you check your site speed. They’ll also often provide tips that will speed things up.

Mobile Marketing Tips App

Utilize Text (SMS) Marketing

Here’s another idea to add to your list of tips for mobile marketing: texting.

These days, people have their phones on them constantly. And while people often screen calls and ignore promotional emails, they’re much more likely to open a text message.

And this way, you have a direct connection to your subscribers’ inboxes.

Then, once someone receives your text, they can easily reply. You’ll also have great insight into how your texting campaign performed.

What was the open rate? What percentage of people clicked on the link? All of these metrics are easy to track when utilizing SMS marketing.

Another perk of texting your potential customers? It’s fast.

In just a few minutes, you can craft a message, send it out to your entire list, and start getting replies.

Mobile Marketing Tips Job

The key here is to make sure you’re utilizing SMS campaigns legally. There are lots of laws in place to protect consumers in this space, so just make sure you run things by your legal team or that you do some research before sending anything. This will help you with risk management.


Optimize for Voice Search

Whether you have an iPhone or Android, voice control is here. Siri and Google are both common features, and every smartphone these days comes with the ability to voice search.

Because of this, you should also optimize your content for voice searches. If someone has a long search to perform, there’s a good chance that they’d rather speak their search instead of typing it.

But keep in mind that when someone does a voice search, they tend to frame their query differently. Instead of an isolated keyword or fragment, voice searches tend to be full questions or sentences.

Think about what types of long-tail searches people could do in your space and then create content to answer those questions.

Utilize Video

Mobile Marketing Tips

Over the last 10 years, we’ve all seen how Youtube has exploded. Video is everywhere on social media platforms as well, including Facebook, Snapchat, Tik Tok, and Instagram.

What do we learn from this? Consumers love video, especially on mobile devices.

And the trend just keeps on growing.

So if it’s at all possible, you should consider creating video content for your brand. Then you can display it on your website, social media accounts, and other digital platforms.

Tips for Mobile Marketing: Closing Thoughts

There you have it: 6 tips for mobile marketing that will take your business to the next level. It’s time to think about your company and where you want to start.


Mobile Marketing Tips Examples

Soon, you’ll start seeing great results, including increased leads and sales. And who wouldn’t want that?

Mobile Marketing Definition

Want to learn more? Check out our blog for additional tips and tricks.

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Mobile Marketing Pdf

For successful online marketing, companies need to be involved in all channels. The Blueprint breaks down 8 digital marketing tips to get you in front of your audience.